Monarch of the Forest
Created for ARTG 171 at UCSC Winter 2024


  • Thomas Beckett: Environmental Assets, Potato Chip bag, Bear model, Ground/Path Texture
  • Emma Radichkova: Producer, Writer (both documentation and storyline), created and submitted all group Canvas assignments and is the main point of contact with the TA/instructor
  • Matthew Oropeza: Environmental Assets, Art and Writing Meeting Coordinator
  • Sabrina Pan: Environmental/Building Assets, Animal Asset Creations (Crow and Raccoon models), Animal rigging and animations
  • Aakaash Narayannan: Environmental Assets, Animal Asset Creations (Squirrel model)
  • Madelyn Sutherland: Some Producer Documentation, Unity Scene Management, Unity Tutorial Level Design, Game Lore/Ideation 
  • Dyson Escobar: Environmental Assets
  • Nicole Van Fleet Kingery: Environmental Assets, Items, NPC design, writing ideation
  • Jacob Barriga: Crow movement, pause menu implementation, title menu asset implementation, camera rework
  • Justin Vicente (External Collaborator): Programmer, Unity Developer
  • Alice Chen: Writing Ideation, Brainstorming Drafts and Ideas, Art

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